
Posts tagged with kansas-city-photographer

  1. Interview with Go Solo - JaneVision Photography by Rachael Jane

    Copyright Rachael Jane 2023 Thank you go solo for the opportunity to answer some of you questions about freelance photography.     Go Solo HomeCollab NetworkEntrepreneur StoriesGrowth Playbooks ENTREPRENEUR STORIESGO SOLO IN THE USGO SOLO STORIESPHOTOGRAPHYWOMEN-OWNED SMALL BIZ Soulful Visions through the Lens - Rachael Jane1 0 days ago by Team Subkit…

  2. Corporate Headshots in digital print

    I remember photographing Bob Haney along with his some of his executive team at AgriSompo.   My colleague Alison Barnes-Martin and I set up early on location to be prepared to run team members through quickly in order to meet their busy schedule demands.   We had only a few minutes with…

  3. Achieving that Polished Professional Look

    Having hair and make-up done can make all the difference in looking subtly polished as a professional executive photo or for a high school senior portrait.  It’s easiest to schedule it built into the photo session.  It adds an hour to an hour and a half to the total shoot.…

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