
  1. How Much Should You Pay for a Photographer?

    How Much Should a Portrait Shoot Cost? Google says that portraits range from  $150-300.  They can also go up depending on the complexity and needs of the image. A photographer will need to charge a minimum of $400 per day to cover the cost of living when they are keeping…

  2. Trust Your Photographer

    How to Insure a successful photoshoot: The most important thing you can do to help insure a successful photo session is TRUST YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER.  Trusting that your photographer can make a good image of you if you follow their lead is important for the photographer to bring their skill and…

  3. How to Find the Right Photographer For You

    How to Find a Photographer Right for You: Identify what TYPE of photographer you are looking for- see more details belowSpend some time looking at THEIR WEBSITE and Instagram - see if their work reflects the experience you need. Does it show the type of photography you want? You would…

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